Researchers Decipher Winter Floods, Summer Showers in Southwest U.S.
In terms of precipitation, the Southwest U.S. is becoming less and less predictable. Parts of...
Read MoreMay 27, 2022 | Precipitation & Climate
In terms of precipitation, the Southwest U.S. is becoming less and less predictable. Parts of...
Read MoreJan 5, 2022 | Precipitation & Climate, Spotlight
Historically providing as much as 75% of annual water supplies to the arid western U.S., winter...
Read MoreMar 17, 2020 | Precipitation & Climate
In several mountainous and high-latitude regions, one of the major consequences of climate change means that more winter precipitation falls as rain than as snow. The downtick in snowfall and uptick in rainfall is particularly...
Read MoreAug 1, 2017 | Flooding & Watersheds, Precipitation & Climate
Each summer, winter accumulations of snow in California’s various mountain ranges begin to melt. As they do, millions of liters of stormwater flow groundward, refilling aquifers and reservoirs while quenching farmland. When this...
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