HydroWeb provides Tetra Tech’s clients with full access to a powerful, personalized solution for their water systems data management needs. The HydroWeb tool is a web-based platform that collects data and enables the efficient management of our customers’ monitoring systems. It allows for real-time data collection, analysis, display, and reporting of key performance indicators.

The system is designed to link various types of operational and hydraulic data within the web-based GIS interface for monitoring, prediction, and analysis. The system also connects to historical data tools and acquires and archives data from public and private sources such as water stations, hydrometrics stations, and city equipment. Data is displayed via GIS maps and a customized dashboard—both in real-time and offline.

HydroWeb transforms raw data into actionable information that can be used to support decision-making processes. Tetra Tech can create customizable interfaces for our clients to ensure the system meets all of the operator’s needs.

The program provides real-time monitoring of rainfall progression through updates of radar images, rain gauge data, and video feeds. In addition, the system performs automated analysis of rainfall return periods and other analytic functions. HydroWeb allows users to set automated notifications via email and SMS to provide status updates and alert the user if action is needed. Recent applications of HydroWeb include river level flood monitoring and sewer monitoring in Québec City, Québec, and indoor air monitoring in Port Jervis, New York.

The platform is designed to be flexible for multiple projects and users including operations and maintenance departments, civil security agencies, engineering departments, and legal affairs users such as insurance companies. In addition, our team continually adds new features to better adjust the platform to meet our clients’ needs. Recent additions include public data integration, new shapefile layers, and a schematic view of the process.

For additional information about Tetra Tech’s advanced analytics and technology platforms, please visit https://www.tetratech.com/en/delta.

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