Is your organization at the forefront of innovative stormwater management? Do you have a passion for keeping waterways clean by controlling erosion and curbing runoff? Want to be featured in an issue of Water Environment & Technology (WE&T) magazine?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, the Water Environment Federation (Alexandria, Va.) invites you to participate in the second WE&T Photo Contest, titled Stormwater Snapshots. Submit photos that depict how you or your organization promote responsible stormwater management practices from Sept. 1 through Oct. 30, for a chance to win credited exposure in WE&T and exclusive WE&T prizes.
Get involved

Julie Tsivia Cohen of East Bay Municipal Utility District (Oakland, Calif.) was the grand-prize winner for the first WE&T photo contest which ended Aug. 1. That contest, “Operators-in-Action,” asked participants to show themselves on the job protecting water quality, wherever that job may take them. Julie Tsivia Cohen/East Bay Municipal Utility District.
To participate, visit There, you can learn more about the contest’s terms and conditions, find answers to frequently asked questions, get a sense of the types of photos we’re looking for, and view photos already submitted by peers. Click the “Enter Now” button to be directed to the Water Environment Federation Facebook page. Upload your photo, include a brief description of what the photo depicts, and hit “enter.”
Once your photo is approved, it will be added to our online gallery, where colleagues, friends, and family can vote for your submission. There is no limit on how many photos each person can submit, and anybody can vote for one photo each day. On Oct. 31, the three photos with the highest vote counts (one grand-prize winner and two runners-up) will be selected as winners.
The grand-prize-winning photo will appear in WE&T’s new “From the Field” section in December 2017. Runners-up will be featured in the January and February issues. All winners for this contest also will appear on Stormwater Report.
Please note that you must have a Facebook account in order to submit photos. Don’t have a Facebook account, but have a great photo? Deliver submissions, or any questions, to WE&T editor Justin Jacques at, and we will upload your submission for you.