On July 24, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the National Stormwater Calculator. The new calculator is designed for property owners, developers, landscapers, and urban planners. It can help users determine what stormwater management practices to install.

The desktop application enables users to estimate annual stormwater runoff from a site, based on different scenarios, such as adding a rain barrel or green roof. The tool uses local soil conditions, slope, land cover, and historical rainfall records to calculate runoff.

“The Stormwater Calculator demonstrates different types of green infrastructure approaches which can result in protection from flooding, energy savings, improved air quality, increased property values, healthier communities, and cost savings for the American people,” said Lek Kadeli, principal deputy assistant administrator of EPA’s Office of Research and Development.

The tool is part of the administration’s virtual climate resilience toolkit, a package announced in President Obama’s Climate Action Plan in June. By the end of 2013, users will also be able to link to future climate scenarios. Based on climate projections, heavy precipitation events are likely to become more frequent. Try it online.

Learn more about the Stormwater Calculator and receive a demonstration in the Stormwater Pavilion at the 2013 Stormwater Congress.