1300 Nicollet Mall
MN 55403
The organizing committee for the Operation & Maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures 2019 Conference (OMSW 2019) is excited to invite you to the leading international conference on the operation and maintenance of stormwater control measures, including both green and gray infrastructure. The conference—an outgrowth of more than a decade of international low impact development conferences—addresses the growing need for state and municipal staff, regulators, consultants, and more, to share successes and lessons learned around stormwater operation and maintenance (O&M).
Attending it will put you in touch with the latest developments.
You will interact with the following experts, responsible for understanding and implementing green and gray stormwater control measures, from low impact development to gray measures like underground detention and hydrodynamic separators:
- academics
- state and municipal engineers
- planners
- public works staff
- consultants
- regulators, and
- manufacturer representatives
There will be opportunities to share your recent work and to hear from experts in many specialized areas of O&M.
Visit https://www.omswconference.org/registration for attendance information, and contact the American Society of Civil Engineers at +1 (703) 295-6300 or registrations@asce.org for additional details.