Download the Executive Summary

Earlier this year, WEF’s Stormwater Institute (SWI) conducted the National Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Needs Assessment Survey. The primary objectives of this survey were to identify the information and technical resource needs of MS4 permittees and to better understand MS4 stormwater program challenges. Additionally, some of the information collected from the survey will support WEF’s ongoing effort to establish stormwater as a sector in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Infrastructure Report Card©.

The executive summary of the survey results was released at WEFTEC 2018 and is available for anyone to download.

One of the major findings was a clear need for information and resources related to funding and financing of stormwater programs and information on best management practice (BMP) effectiveness and life cycle costs. MS4 permittees also identified lack of program funding and availability of capital as a significant challenge. Nearly half of all survey respondents indicated that they need additional funding to meet their stormwater program goals.

The full report of the survey results will be completed by the end of 2018. SWI Subscribers will receive the full report at no-charge, and it will be available to non-subscribers for purchase.

For more information about WEF’s Stormwater Institute, visit