Kimberly Grove, chief of the environmental compliance and laboratory services division for the City of Baltimore Department of Public Works (DPW), is the 2015 recipient of the Chesapeake Water Environment Association (CWEA) Stormwater Committee’s Golden Rain Drop Award. Grove, a professional engineer with 17 years of experience, has actively contributed to the Stormwater Committee as both a member and speaker at several conferences. She also has provided on-going support and planning to committee activities. Additionally, she was one of the more popular speakers at the Water Environment Federation’s first annual Stormwater Symposium held in Baltimore in 2012, based on attendee feedback.
After having spent several years of her career as a private engineering consultant, Burgess joined Baltimore City DPW as the division chief for the surface water management division. In addition to her volunteer roles in CWEA, Burgess also serves as the Baltimore City liaison for the Maryland American Society of Civil Engineers Stormwater Resources Group.
The CWEA Golden Raindrop Award was established to recognize significant contributions to the success of CWEA and to promoting professionalism and pride among those working in the design, management, construction operations, and maintenance of stormwater systems.