Another Dredging and Beneficial Use project by the Army Corps of Engineers in the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River. Read more about this project. Photo credit: Patrick M Quigley of Gulf Coast Air Photo
The Army Corps of Engineers and Plaquemines Parish, La. signed an agreement Aug. 6 to create approximately 121 to 243 ha (300 to 600 ac) of marsh in the Bird’s Foot Delta. Plaquemines Parish is where the Mississippi River meets the Gulf of Mexico. The $100 million, 10-year wetland building project will utilize dredged material to create new wetlands and ridges. Funding will be provided in part by the parish. Their 35% will come from the sale of bonds while the additional funds will be provided by the Corps. The effort is part of the Louisiana Coastal Area Ecosystem Restoration plan and will help protect the area from future storm surges and flooding. Since Hurricane Katrina, Plaquemines Parish has spent $2 billion on levees and $1 billion on wetland restoration projects, including the one announced this August. Read more.

Louisiana Coastal Area Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Proposed Project Sites. Map credit: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers