950 North Stafford Street
Arlington, VA 22203
The Fly-In provides an opportunity for water professionals to carry a united message about the Value of Water and the benefits of investment directly to their elected federal representatives. The Fly In will commence at 8:30 am on Wednesday, April 17 and conclude at 1:30 pm on Thursday, April 18.
WEF members and Member Associations should be working with their AWWA Section counterparts to organize state delegations and make appointments with their state’s Senators and Representatives. WEF and AWWA will provide advice on appointment-setting, and a webcast for all delegates will be held in advance to provide training on effective office visits and briefing materials on key clean and safe drinking water issues. Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of talking to Members of Congress or their staff about clean water—remember, you are the experts, and they are depending upon you for the information they need to make the right decisions!
Participation in the Fly In is offered free as a member service for all WEF members and Member Associations. All training, meals and refreshments as well as local transit assistance will be provided. Delegates or their sponsoring associations are responsible for transportation to Washington and overnight hotel accommodations. The Headquarters Hotel is the Arlington Hilton, 950 N. Stafford Street, which is a short subway ride from Washington National Airport, as well as Capitol Hill and the House and Senate office buildings.
To register or obtain more information about participants and Fly In plans for your state, contact Tommy Holmes at AWWA, (202) 326-6128, or Tim Williams at WEF, (703) 684-2437. To reserve a hotel room, contact the Arlington Hilton at (703) 528-6000 or use this link.