March 29, 2017 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Kelly Tucker
Since its inception, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program has provided over $118 billion to projects nationwide, making it EPA’s largest source of funding for water quality. While the CWSRF has traditionally funded publicly-owned treatment works, it can also fund green infrastructure including tree planting and land acquisition for water quality improvement and protection. Attendees will learn about how the CWSRF can be used as a funding source for green infrastructure and urban forestry projects—a cost effective way to reduce combined sewage flooding problems.
- Heather Knizhnik of the NJ Department of Environmental Protection will provide an overview of the CWSRF program in New Jersey and how they support green infrastructure projects.
- Andy Kricun of the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority will discuss the Camden SMART Initiative and how the city of Camden, NJ utilized the CWSRF as well as an innovative partnership to manage the city’s stormwater.
- Jessica Franzini with the NJ Tree Foundation will discuss their role in the partnership and highlight several of the projects made possible with CWSRF funding.
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Questions about this webinar should be directed to Kelly Tucker at tucker.kelly@epa.gov. We hope you’ll be able to join us!