Note: Time is based on Easter Standard Time
A Chesapeake Bay Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns (G3) Academy Webcast
Join us for this webcast to discuss the recently published Request for Proposals for the Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT) Green Streets Grant Program and to showcase successful grant project(s). The Program supports green street/green infrastructure design projects, financing strategies, and implementation projects and is offered through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the CBT. The goal of the Program is nonpoint pollution reduction and green stormwater management retrofits that also create green jobs and enhance livability in urban areas. Successful projects help to stimulate the green jobs market and enable families to work where they live and play.
Ms. Hieu Truong, a Program Manager at the CBT, will provide an overview of the Program and detail new information for the 2013 grant application. Information will include a short overview of the grant including funding levels and application deadlines, eligible project types, and guidance on applying for the grant. Ms. Emily Clifton will present the award-winning Capitol Heights project, a successful CBT Green Streets Grantee.
This webcast is targeted to local governments and non-profit organizations in urbanized watersheds in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Washington D.C., and Virginia and will benefit anyone interested in pursuing green streets, urban green infrastructure, or green jobs as part of an overall integrated community or watershed plan.
Hieu Truong, Program Officer, Chesapeake Bay Trust
Hieu Truong manages the Watershed Assistance, Community Greening, and G3 grant programs as well as serves as the staff lead for the Trust’s Diversity Initiative. Through these programs, Ms. Truong works with funding partners, local municipalities, and non-profit organizations to more fully connect all residents of Maryland—particularly historically underserved communities such as communities of color—in locally based efforts to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay.
Emily Clifton, Lead Environmental Planner, The Low Impact Development Center, Inc
Emily Clifton is an Environmental Planner with more than 14 years of experience. She has an M.S. in Environmental Science and a Master in Public Affairs from Indiana University and a B.A. in both Business Administration and Philosophy from Austin College. Ms. Clifton leads the Center’s effort on green infrastructure. She has provided leadership on design manuals, training, outreach efforts, research, and plan development and review. Ms. Clifton has worked in the Washington, D.C. area to protect the Chesapeake Bay watershed since 2002.
Susan McDowell, Office of State and Watershed Partnerships, Water Protection Division, US EPA Region 3
Susan McDowell has worked as an Environmental Scientist at US EPA for over twenty years. She has designed numerous community-based environmental protection programs including the award-winning planning tool, Green Communities, to encourage and promote sustainability at the local level. Ms. McDowell’s current focus includes nonpoint source pollution, watershed protection through ‘green infrastructure’, the G3 Academy, and US EPA’s National Estuary programs. Ms. McDowell was recently appointed to her local environmental advisory council where she oversees a local rain garden campaign, as part of a larger Rain Gardens for the Bays Campaign, which she initiated in partnership with US EPA’s Mid-Atlantic estuary programs.
You must register in advance to attend this webinar.
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