2638 Steeles Avenue East
Brampton, ON L6S 6J9
Call for abstracts open until Friday, September 26, 2014.
TRIECA is Ontario’s premier stormwater and erosion and sediment control conference bringing together some of North America’s leading experts, influential leaders and distinguished research partners in one event. Together these organizations have a defining role in shaping the future direction of the stormwater and erosion and sediment control industries.
The conference format includes two full days of concurrent speaker sessions with approximately twenty-four presentations in total over the course of the conference. Renowned speakers from throughout North America will present the latest technological innovations, case study findings, innovative solutions and academic research. In conjunction with the presentation sessions, the conference also includes an industry tradeshow providing delegates the opportunity to speak directly with representatives from a variety of leading industry organizations. Early Bird Registration will run until March 13, 2015. Learn more.