During Water Week 2020, WEF’s Stormwater Institute is virtually hosting the fourth annual Stormwater Policy Forum.
Join us to hear the latest on legislative and regulatory updates as well as policy trends and emerging topics. You’ll hear from federal, state and local officials on a variety of topics including agriculture/stormwater nexus dynamics, efforts focusing on stormwater funding/financing issues, nation-wide research efforts focused on stormwater runoff characteristics, and updates on legal rulings in the stormwater/MS4 sector. Priorities and initiatives from the state regulatory perspective on stormwater issues will be shared.
Part 1 on Tuesday, April 28th will feature Chris Kloss with the US EPA, Office of Water; and Charles Glass with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Additionally, Capitol Hill legislative staff from both sides of the aisle will outlay recent and pending legislation pertaining to stormwater.