75 Main Street
Durham, NH 03824
The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center and New England Concrete Masonry Association are hosting a Permeable Paver University of New Hampshire (UNH) Stormwater Symposium – Research to Reality. The symposium will be held Tuesday May 20, 2014 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Eastern. Attendees can receive four continuing education credis from UNH.
The event is free and includes lunch. (Please note: there is a minimal charge for parking on the UNH campus which can be paid in advance by registering online.)
- Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement Overview
- Key Design Considerations for Permeable Pavement Design – Designing for Long-Term Pavement Performance
- Winter Performance Assessment
- PICP Site Tour and ASTM C1781 Surface Infiltration Test Demonstration
- New ASCE Publication Overview – Permeable Pavement Recommended Design Guidelines
- PICP Design Pro Software Demonstration
- Long-Term PICP Performance and Maintenance
- Question and Answer Session
James Houle – Program Manager for the UNH Stormwater Center. Areas of expertise include the design and implementation of innovative stormwater control measures including porous pavements and subsurface gravel wetland systems, low impact development (LID) and green infrastructure (GI) planning and implementation, operation and maintenance, and water resource monitoring. Mr. Houle holds an M.A. in Sustainable Development a B.S. in Molecular Biology and is currently enrolled in the Natural Resources & Earth Systems Science Ph.D. Program at UNH. He has over fifteen years of experience with water quality related issues in New Hampshire and is a certified professional in stormwater quality (C.P.S.W.Q.).
David Hein, P. Eng. – Principal Engineer & Vice-President of Transportation at Applied Research Associates, Inc in Toronto, Canada. Mr. Hein has over 30 years of experience with the design, evaluation and management of pavements ranging from low volume roadways to major highways and airports. He is extensively involved in permeable pavement systems including the development of the Permeable Design Pro software application for the structural and hydrological design of permeable interlocking concrete pavements. He has completed numerous training courses for the design of permeable pavements across North America and is the chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers committee that is developing a consensus standard for the design of permeable pavements.
Bethany Eisenberg, LEED AP – Director of Stormwater Services at Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. She has more than 30 years of experience in hydrologic engineering and stormwater management. She specializes in green infrastructure design and construction, low impact development (LID) site planning and stormwater practices and permeable pavement design. She has prepared course materials and taught accredited courses in hydrology, hydraulics and LID design. She is Co-Chair for the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Environmental Water Resources Institute Permeable Pavement Committee that is finalizing the Committee E-Book on Permeable Pavements that summarizes current practices for the design and installation of permeable pavements.
Robert Bowers, P. Eng., LEED Green Associate – Director of Engineering at the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI). He has over 20 years of experience in the hardscapes industry developing standards for the design and construction of interlocking concrete pavement and segmental retaining walls. Robert chairs the CSA A231 Committee which is responsible for the development of the Canadian standards for concrete pavers and slabs. He is a member of the ASCE T&DI Permeable Pavements Committee that is currently developing a standard for the design, construction and maintenance of permeable interlocking concrete pavement. Mr. Bowers has written several articles and conducted numerous seminars about permeable pavements and he is an active participant in the ASCE, ASTM, CSA, IGS and CGS.