11 Dorrance Street
Providence, RI 02903
The New Paradigm: Integration of Stormwater and Wastewater Issues!
The USEPA has adopted an approach to allow communities to develop plans that consider wetweather issues holistically in an integrated fiscal plan. This two-day Specialty Seminar features federal, state, municipal and consultant presenters that will discuss this issue and how it affects you, your clients and your communities. This program is the first of its kind in New England and will provide ideas and solutions to the challenges occurring in our watersheds. We are especially encouraging members of conservation commissions, administrators for watershed and stormwater programs and municipal wastewater and stormwater leaders to atten to learn more about beneficial use of green infrastructure.
The two-day Integrated Wet Weather Issues Specialty Seminar, October 23-24, in Providence, RI is an opportunity to learn about the local and national changes that have occurred in municipal stormwater and CSO compliance plans under this new framework. It will also be an opportunity to hear about the latest technologies and approaches that are being applied to address the integrated approach to regulatory demands. We expect this seminar will attract over 200 attendees, including engineers, consultants, scientists, planners, operators, and representatives from state, local and federal agencies. View Program Agenda
Technical Sessions:
- Wednesday – will begin with warm welcomes from the Honorable Angels Taveras, Mayor of Providence, RI (invited); NEWEA President Michael Bonomo and CSO Committee Chair James Drake. Thelma Murphy and Deborah Nagle (invited) of the USEPA will bring us up to date on the status of regional and national stormwater regulations and integrated wet weather policies. Following this, a roundtable discussion with municipal leaders of Boston, Worcester, Providence and New York City to discuss integrated planning and green infrastructure programs will be featured.
On Wednesday afternoon, we will provide two (2) concurrent technical sessions. Session One includes papers that examine the concept and application issues of integrated wet-weather plans, and Session Two provides an overview of the upcoming NPDES MS4 permits and implementation issues. A networking reception will conclude Wednesday’s technical program. It’s a great way to meet other professionals in the field!
- Thursday – will feature two (2) concurrent technical sessions. Session Three will showcase how communities are implementing green infrastructure as part of their CSO programming. Case studies from New York City, New Haven CT, and Chicopee and Cambridge MA will be highlighted. Session Four will present how communities are modifying their current plans to incorporate an integrated wet weather approach. These plans are being revised in Springfield MA, Durham NH, Fall River MA, and Baltimore. To conclude this timely conference, there will be two (2) tours of gray and green infrastructure that will be preceded by overview presentations on the Naragansett Bay Commission’s CSO Program and local green infrastructure.
Networking Reception: A networking reception will be held Wednesday from 4:00-5:00PM in the exhibit hall. It’s a great way to meet other professionals in the field!
Exhibit Hall: The exhibit hall will provide the display of the latest IWWI products and services in the industry. The hall will be open on Wednesday, October 23 from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM and on Thursday, October 24 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Download the Exhibitor Prospectus to exhibit.
Facility Tours, Thursday, October 24; 12:30 – 4:30 PM
- Tour 1: NBC’s Fields Point WWTF & CSO Abatement Tunnel Project
The Narragansett Bay Commission’s (NBC) Fields Point Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) was recently upgraded to provide tertiary treatment with IFAS to achieve 5.0 mg/l nitrogen and the CSO pump station (250ft beneath the surface) pumps out captured CSO from the 57 MG, three-mile long CSO tunnel to the facility. Pretour presentation given by: Carmine Goneconte, NBC - Tour 2: Green Infrastructure Tour of Eastern Narragansett Bay
This tour will include two highly innovative projects that addressed pathogen issues in coastal waters along the East Bay in Rhode Island (Warren, RI Town Beach and Allin’s Cove, Barrington, RI). Pretour presentation given by: James Riordan, Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.
Pre-registration is required for both tours – see registration form. Transportation provided. Seating is limited.