15500 Chandler Rd
Bath Twp, MI 48808
The 2015 Annual Watershed/Stormwater Seminar will help attendees refine and expand their understanding of technical, regulatory, funding, and policy issues affecting stormwater management, surface water quality, and watershed planning. The presentations are carefully selected to give attendees a comprehensive view of the latest best practices in stormwater and watershed planning, design, implementation, and regulatory compliance. This year’s seminar will include updates regarding statewide efforts to legitimize stormwater utilities and establish dedicated funding for stormwater. Additional topics will include SAW stormwater asset management plans, green infrastructure policies and projects in the Detroit area, climate change and its effects on watersheds, statewide application of the E. coli Total Maximum Daily Load, dam removal, and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s basis for selecting the 1-inch and 2-year storms for the new municipal separate storm sewer system permit guidelines.
The conference also provides social time to network and converse with colleagues, as well as meeting vendors that provide watershed management services. Read more about this event.