750 Cherry Road
Memphis, TN 38117
Memphis-Shelby County Office of Sustainability and partners TDEC, City of Memphis Stormwater Program, Shelby County Engineering, Memphis Chapter of Urban Land Institute, Tennessee Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (TNASLA), Tennessee American Planning Association (TAPA), & West Tennessee Branch-American Society of Civil Engineers (West TN ASCE) will present the two day workshop.
Low Impact Development is a way to treat stormwater on site through natural infiltration (using bioswales, greenroofs, cisterns, bioretention facilities, and porous pavement). At the workshop, you will learn about these technologies as well as the new EPA regulations for treating stormwater and also how trees can be used as an affordable solution. This will be very informative to civil engineers, developers, landscape architects, planners, architects, municipal stormwater engineers, and others.
Guest speakers include:
- Stephen D. Luoni, a nationally renowned LID expert from University of Arkansas
- Barrett Kays, FASLA, national expert of soil systems from Landis
- Robert Adair from Houston Water Forum
- Cory Gallo, ASLA from Mississippi State University
- Jean Ramsey from AMEC
- Robby Karesh from TDEC
- Andy Sauer from CDM