Managing Storm Water on Construction Sites: Discharge Sampling, Inspecting BMPs, and Maintaining Sediment & Erosion Controls
Participants will earn One Professional Development Hour (PDH).
Webinar Overview:
This webinar will focus on construction site storm water, from program management to permit compliance. Technical considerations will be discussed, including developing robust, practical Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), identifying the appropriate structural and nonstructural Best Management Practices (BMPs), and the ins and outs of discharge monitoring.
The webinar will cover how managing storm water on large portfolios of construction sites allows program managers to develop innovative approaches and programmatic standards and explore permit language and intent in depth. For program managers, the number of projects and variety of environments and conditions are more than an opportunity: Dynamic program management becomes a necessity. Some lessons learned from managing storm water on more than 200 construction sites in California (80 currently active) will be discussed. The speakers also will offer insights that may be helpful to site owners and consultants managing large volumes of projects under construction storm water permits.
Different types of mobile technology that can be used to more efficiently conduct and track inspections and develop SWPPPs will be covered. In addition, strategies on how to keep BMP information and SWPPP maps up to date with ever-changing site conditions will be discussed. An update on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency???s low-erosivity calculator and permit waivers is also included.
Finally, sampling and analyzing considerations will be discussed, including field versus laboratory measurements that are time sensitive (such as pH) and best practices with collecting, labeling and preparing samples, from planning to execution. The webinar also will cover what happens to samples when they arrive at the laboratory and what can be done to achieve accurate, timely results.
Hosted By Storm Water Solutions and Stormwater Equipment Manufacturers Assn.