603 Edmonston Dr
Rockville, MD 20851
As the number of traditional and non-traditional stormwater practices grow, MS4s are realizing that understanding how to manage and maintain these assets is an increasing need. With a combination of LID, structural and non-structural stormwater practices, managing programs and assets goes beyond applying traditional maintenance approaches. Other growing considerations include: data gathering and management, asset management, new maintenance skills and job creation, property access and other legal issues, adequate funding, and new levels of planning.
The CWEA Stormwater Seminar will provide attendees with an opportunity to learn from those who are already implementing these programs – what is working well, what has been improved from lessons learned, and lessons learned. Speakers and presentation topics from around the region are being finalized, and a final agenda will be distributed soon.
The CWEA Stormwater Seminars consistently receive high praise for the opportunity to learn from those with hands on experience, share concerns and brainstorm on options with other MS4s, meet with vendors and consultants that specialize in stormwater solutions, and network with other leaders in the stormwater sector.
Early Bird Registration Deadline: September 30, 2015
- CWEA Members: $65 ($80 after September 30)
- Non-Members $75 ($90 after September 30)
- Government Employees $25 (through October 21)
- Exhibitor Tables $375
- Sponsorships $100
5.5 PDH Credits (tentative)
Breakfast and Lunch Provided
CWEA Stormwater Committee Background:
The Stormwater Committee is one of approximately 20 committees delivering programs on behalf of the Chesapeake Water Environment Association (CWEA). CWEA is a professional organization dedicated to improving water quality and protecting the water environment in Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia through public education, training, and the exchange of technical and scientific information among water quality professionals. CWEA has over 800 current members and is one of 75 Member Associations of the global not-for-profit Water Environment Federation http://wef.org/.
The Stormwater Committee’s mission is to deliver timely and relevant information to the regulated stormwater community, CWEA’s membership, public officials, and other interested stakeholders. Founded in 2010, the Stormwater Committee provides technical programs and forums for the exchange of knowledge and experience among professionals from throughout the Chesapeake Bay region. Since our first event in October 2010, the Committee has hosted over stakeholder coordination meetings among numerous local stormwater organizations, supported WEF’s 2012 National Stormwater Symposium in Baltimore, and delivered eight information-packed local seminars.