Faced with a struggling economy and declines in revenues, now more than ever it is imperative that local governments invest limited resources where they will have the most significant environmental and public health impact. EPA has recently introduced a new framework designed to provide greater flexibility to local governments faced with multiple water mandates. The Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Planning (IP) Approach, provides a new vehicle for cities to find sensible and cost-effective solutions to meet regulatory mandates, but also provide additional benefits to the environment and residents of their communities. According to EPA, “An integrated planning process has the potential to identify a prioritized critical path to achieving the water quality objectives of the CWA by identifying efficiencies in implementing competing requirements that arise from separate wastewater and stormwater projects, including capital investments and operation and maintenance requirements. This approach can also lead to more sustainable and comprehensive solutions, such as green infrastructure, that improves water quality as well as supports other quality of life attributes that enhance the vitality of communities.”
This webcast will provide background information on the IP framework and why it is significant; however, the focus of the event will be on the development of the City of Baltimore’s integrated plan.
- Rudy Chow, Bureau Head of Water and Wastewater, City of Baltimore
- Deborah Nagle, Director, Water Permits, U.S. EPA Office of Wastewater Management
- Chris Hornback, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA)
- Amanda Waters, WEF General Counsel & Director of Public Advocacy & Outreach (Moderator)