1 Washington Blvd
Detroit, MI 48226
As local governments struggle to address aging infrastructure and capacity issues, opportunities exist to transition away from grey to green infrastructure. Communities across the Great Lakes basin are pushing their integrated stormwater management to the next level and using green infrastructure to minimize flooding risks by decreasing surface runoff into lakes and streams.
The Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Green Infrastructure Conference is the first conference to focus on using green infrastructure across the landscape with a primary goal of protecting the surface waters in the Great Lakes region. The time is right for a comprehensive look at this important topic of taking stormwater management into the 21st century. The conference location in Detroit is in the middle of the Great Lakes chain and at the forefront of many innovative green infrastructure projects.
This conference is intended for engineers, landscape architects, water quality professionals, government officials (local, state, provincial, and federal), developers, planners, academia, drain and road agencies, conservation and non-profit organizations, and interest groups from the Great Lakes basin in Canada and the U.S., who are working on integrated stormwater management and green infrastructure.
Save $55 by registering before May 12
Here’s why YOU should be there
Find solutions on integrated stormwater management and get up-to-date information on green infrastructure technology, economics, local government/public works, and multijurisdictional/regional scale from experts around the Great Lakes region.
Network with key leaders, clients, and potential customers.
Be inspired by our world class keynote speakers!
- Adam Freed, Principal, Sustainability Practice, Bloomberg Associates
- Andy Reese, Vice President, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure
- Palencia Mobley, Deputy Director/Chief Engineer, Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept.
- Jon Allan, Director, Michigan Office of the Great Lakes
Choose from over 130 concurrent technical presentations delivered by experts around the world.
Visit with exhibitors featuring emerging technologies, services, products and more.
Earn continuing education credits for your professional development.
It’s affordable – regular 2-day registration fee is only $295 (through May 12).
Check out tours of green infrastructure projects across metro Detroit. Choose from the Ford Rouge plant, RecoveryPark/LEAP Urban Vacant Lot Greening/Eastern Market, CSO Control with Detroit Water and Sewer Department/University of Michigan/Tetra Tech Inc., Lawrence Technological University, and Downtown Detroit Local Bike Tour.
Explore Detroit – recently named one of 6 Unexpected Cities for the Food Lover by National Geographic.