May 5, 2014 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
UNC School of Government
Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina Environmental Finance Center
The Future of Environmental Finance: Strategies for Financing Current and Future Environmental Challenges
May 5th, 1:30-4:30 pm Eastern in Chapel Hill, NC
Free and Open to the Public. Live Web Streaming Available.
Find More Information and Register Here
This public forum will feature engaging presentations from prominent environmental finance experts and innovators from a variety of perspectives that cut across sectors and issues. This event will foster discussion and identify emerging trends, strategies, and ideas that will help answer the basic “how will we pay” questions at the heart of successful environmental protection.
Featured Speakers:
- Lynn Broaddus, Director, Environment Program, The Johnson Foundation
- Mitch Gillespie, Assistant Secretary for the Environment, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
- Alfred Griffin, President, New York Green Bank
- Karen Massey, Director, Missouri Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority
- Nancy McFarlane, Mayor, City of Raleigh, NC
- Stan Meiburg, Deputy Regional Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4
- Paul Meyer, Executive Director, NC League of Municipalities
- Andrew Sawyers, Director, EPA Office of Wastewater Management
- Valerie Smith, Director of Corporate Sustainability, Citi
- Rich Thorsten, Director of International Programs, Water.org
- Hawley Truax, Program Officer for Environment, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation