Attending the webcast is free but registration is required. Click on the link above to register for the webcast and learn more about our speakers and their research. Please note if you were registered for this webcast previously you will need to re-register in order to attend on March 29th. If you are unable to attend, a recording of the webcast will be available on our website.
EPA’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grant program funds research grants in numerous environmental programs, including stormwater management. This webcast presents the work of successful STAR grantees who partnered with EPA to pursue research in support of green infrastructure implementation. Featured speakers include Don Katnik and Amanda Shearin with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, who will illustrate how urban planners can use geospatial information systems to map regional development for the purpose of preserving and enhancing green infrastructure. In addition, Robert Traver and Cara Albright with Villanova University will focus on the performance monitoring of urban green infrastructure practices in Philadelphia. EPA’s STAR grants continue to engage the nation’s scientists and engineers in targeted research to support the next generation of green infrastructure practices.