What: Presentation entitled “A synoptic survey of ecosystem services from headwater catchments in the United States”
Presenter: Dr. Brian Hill, Ecologist
When: Wednesday, February 26th from 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EST
Where: Join remotely by dialing US and Canada: (866) 299-3188, Conference code: 9195412184# and webinar: https://epa.connectsolutions.com/sswrmonthlywebinar
(Webinar-Click on enter as a Guest and type in your name, click on enter room and click OK to agree to the privacy statement).
This webcast is part of EPA’s Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Webinar Series.
Ecosystem production functions for water supply, climate regulation, and water purification were estimated for 568 headwater streams and their catchments. Ecological production functions paired with published economic values for these services revealed the importance of catchments for water supply, climate regulation, and water purification per unit catchment area.