In 2011, WERF and the National Corn Growers Association joined together to begin development of a centralized resource for agricultural best management practices (BMPs), modeled after the International Stormwater BMP Database project.
Throughout the country, there is increased recognition that effective approaches for addressing water quality challenges at the watershed scale will often require both urban and agricultural efforts. Agricultural BMPs are implemented on a voluntary basis by landowners. In some cases, pollutant trading between urban and agricultural areas may be the most effective approach to reduce overall pollutant loads to a receiving water. Effective pollutant trading depends, in part, on readily available, scientifically based, consolidated information regarding expected pollutant load reductions associated with various BMPs. The Agricultural BMP Database is being developed to provide such a resource for urban and agricultural communities. This web seminar from the Water Environment Research Foundation will provide an overview of the objectives and progress related to development of the Agricultural BMP Database (
This webcast will be recorded for those who cannot make it to the live event.