200 East Randolph Street
Chicago, IL 60602
Please join the Honorable Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of the City of Chicago;
Sandra Ralston, President of the Water Environment Federation;
and Jeff Malehorn, President & CEO, World Business Chicago,
at the 2014 Chicago Water Summit: Global Lessons from Great Water Cities
Monday, July 21, 2014
Mid-America Club | 200 East Randolph Drive, 80th Floor
A welcome reception will be held Sunday, July 20, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
For additional information and to reserve your spot please visit: www.wef.org/watersummit
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) & World Business Chicago, in cooperation with the City of Chicago, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, and the Chicago Sisters Cities Initiative, will host this exclusive, one-day meeting to bring together water sector leaders for discussion of water related issues including technology and innovation, sustainability, investments in infrastructure projects, and partnering with the private sector. The summit will be the latest in a series of dialogues examining case studies and engaging in discussion to distill lessons learned from leading cities and potentially change the agenda for other great water cities facing similar challenges.
Take advantage of this special opportunity to learn from other sector leaders and help develop the agenda for the great water cities of the future.
Confirmed Speakers
The Honorable Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of the City of Chicago
Dr. Giulio Boccaletti, Vice President, Nature Conservancy
Dr. Paul Bowen, Director, Sustainable Operations, The Coca-Cola Company
Albert Cho, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, Xylem
Dr. Peter Grevatt, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, EPA
Christian Guenner, Director of System Development, Hamburg Wasser, Germany
Ted Henifin, General Manager, Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Harlan Kelly, Jr., General Manager, San Francisco Public Utilities
Terry Mah, President, Veolia North America
Jeff Malehorn, President & CEO, World Business Chicago
Barrett Murphy, First Deputy Commissioner of Water Management, City of Chicago
Dr. Eileen O’Neill, Executive Director, Water Environment Federation
Henk Ovink (Luncheon Speaker), Principal, Rebuild by Design, & Senior Advisor to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan
Sandra Ralston, President, Water Environment Federation
Dieter Sauer, President Water Utility Division, Grundfos North America
David St. Pierre, Executive Director, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Emilio Tenuta, Vice President of Corporate Sustainability, Ecolab
Karen Weigert, Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Chicago