In early July, the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) announced its Rain Ready initiative, which offers a suite of policies and practices to help residents, communities, and states plan for weather events associated with global climate change. The goal of Rain Ready is to help Americans and their municipal and state leaders approach the challenges of flooding, water shortages, and water pollution in customized and cost-effective ways.
The Rain Ready website features videos and how-to fact sheets that show rain readiness in action. Communities also are looking to states for help. Although each differs in weather, geography, urban development, and population, states can draw from a broad set of actions to help communities protect themselves now and reduce risks in the future.
Rain Ready was developed by CNT with the support of the City of Chicago, a partner with CNT on the Chicago Sustainable Backyards Program, which ended in 2013. The research and preparatory work for Rain Ready was generously funded by the Surdna Foundation, Prince Charitable Trusts, Grand Victoria Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the City of Chicago and State Farm Insurance Company.
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